Wednesday, June 25, 2014

About the blog and goodbye :)

Hi today i will write for the last time on my blog, at least for that semester. I’m finishing my pre-intermediate English subject.
I think that this blog was the first time that I wrote about my life, and it was a bit difficult at the beginning. Also I was not accustomed to write in English all the weeks.
I learn a lot about writhing, that was difficult to me at the beginning but whit the time become easier to me write more about more complex topics without problems.
Sincerely I don’t think that I will use the blog again because usually I do not have time with the university and in the holidays I will sleep the three weeks.
I don’t think that something was bad with the blogs. I have problems writhing about certain topics because I don’t know too much about them like some things of my career or recycling.
I think that another good topics form blogs could be for example our friends, the music we like, what we think about learning English and how can it be useful to us.

Finally I want to say goodbye to my classmates for this semester, I enjoyed reading some interest things in your blogs and I hope that you also enjoyed reading mine. 

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

HI, today I will talk about the recycling and the 3 Rs, reuse, reduce and recycle.
I had listen about recycle and reuse before but I listen about reduce for the first time doing this blog.
I thing that is really important follow the three Rs, I usually try to reduce but I don’t usually recycle or reuse.
Recycle it’s a bit difficult in our country because does not exist a recycling system, maybe if we have one we all would recycle more.
I think that recycle it’s and the environmental problems in general are really important but they are not just individual problems. All the society must take care about the planet and that include some company and some countries that are not interested in to that.

We must have more strict regulations about the environmental problems and we all have to take conscience and follow that rules and recycle.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

I want to play the piano

Hi classmates, today I will talk about some things that I’d like to learn.
Something that I’d like to learn is learn to play the piano. I have an electric keyboard in my home and I try to learn to play it in two times. The first time that I decide to learn was three years ago. I practiced a lot for a week and I was able to play a song but I got really sick and when I got better I left it.
The second time was four months ago. I tried to learn to play piano again at the end of the holydays. Fist I had a lot of problems to got a transformer for the keyboard because the old one was lost. When I finally got the correct transformer I practiced a few days and I did not practice anymore when I became to come to the university.

I really like the piano music and I hope to could finally learn to play it. I think that when I have money I will take classes, because I’m not very constant when I’m doing something by my own. I saw some places where I could take classes at the beginning of the year so I will try to take the classes in the next holidays.