Wednesday, May 7, 2014


This blog is from two weeks ago, I do not make it so I have to do it now. It has to be about a free topic.
I will talk about my experience with sports. When I was a child I was a very lazy boy. I did not make any sport when I was a child.
It changes when I move to live to Santiago and I get a friend that motivates me to do something with my life.
The first thing related to sports that I did was begin to go to train the Sundays in a fireman’s company.
After that in 2011 I began to do parkour. I do not make it for too much time but doing it I get a lot of confidence.
Since that I have done other things like running and aerial silk.

Nowadays I try to always be doing some exercise but I almost do not have time because of the University. I hope to could be organized with my time to restart doing some exercise for my health and to don’t get fat 

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